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What Is Light Language?

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

So you may have heard people making these strange sounds, moving their hands, speaking something that sounds kind of familiar, or it gives you tingles, vibrations, triggers a reaction in your body. Maybe one part of you thinks it's really strange, yet another part of you is so fascinated and drawn to it. And it all leaves you asking - what is light language?

Essentially, it is a healing modality.

Light language is a channel of frequency and vibration. It may come through as sound, drawings, or hand movements.

Because it transcends the limitations of words, of learned/programmed language, there is no distortion through the meaning we can attribute to words (or known images or hand gestures). For this reason, it bypasses the conscious mind and talks directly to your subconscious, body and spirit.

It is similar to Reiki - once attuned to Reiki, you are a channel for universal energy. Reiki flows through you when you intend it to. Light language works the same way. Once activated, you can do it intentionally. When there is excessive energy, it may burst from you spontaneously and powerfully, as your body will recognise it as a channel for expression, healing, and clearing.

Light language can channel directly from your soul, and it can also be channeled from other beings, through you.

It is condensing of light into sound, so sometimes there is no clear translation into our language. More often, there is an intention or feeling of purpose behind the transmission. Sometimes, there are very clear intentions that can more easily be translated, especially if the light language coming through is a message from other beings.

Some people (including myself) can intentionally channel galactic light languages. This often activates soul remembrance in people as they receive it, of planets they may have lived on or come from. As a Universal Light Language channel, I can intentionally channel the frequency of anything - everything has a frequency. I have channeled Archangels, planets, elementals - again, like Reiki, there are no limits to what you can do with light language.

Receiving light language, or channeling/expressing it yourself, can do many things. If there are trapped/blocked energy/emotions, it can shift and clear them. It can activate other people into their own light language and/or other soul gifts and expressions. It can unify and harmonise groups of people. It can be used to raise the vibration of your home, food, and water. It can bring messages and guidance through for people. It can upgrade your light body and bring through downloads. You can speak it simply for the joy of expression. It is also beautiful to sing light codes.

If you want to learn more, explore this, and experience it for yourself, I run Light Language Workshops where I have activated people in their own expression of light language. I also share light language on my Instagram account, and in online meditation and events, and use it in my 1:1 Reiki/energy sessions.

Light Language is the thing I get asked about more than anything, more than Reiki! I feel it is the progression from Reiki, the next level of healing and expansion, and my work is expanding more and more into guiding others with light language.

If this is something you are interested in please reach out. I am here to help.

Love, Abbi x

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